In 2022, Evelyn Chua, a student at Metea Valley High School was inspired to start the Metea Valley Drown Out Breast Cancer event in honor of her great grandmother who had passed away recently. Her great grandmother was a breast cancer survivor who lived until the age of 97. Her grandmother had been widowed at a very young age and had to raise 5 kids all whilst also undergoing treatment for breast cancer and surviving. Evelyn wanted to create an event with her swim team in an effort to raise funds to support women dealing with breast cancer and to bring the community together for some fun and a good cause. Together, she, her friend Amanda Schmitt, and the MVHS Girls Swim and Dive Team ran the first ever Drown Out Breast Cancer event in 2022 and raised over $2500 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Now, Evelyn Chua is a senior at Metea Valley High School, and she and her fellow captain Emily Schalk hope that this can become an annual event hosted by the Metea Valley Girls Swim Team during the month of October. |
DOBC 2022Pictures from 2022 Drown Out Breast Cancer!